What is this?
Allows you to create and update a personal list of products (STCCs).
When is it used?
Used to create and update your personal list of products.
My Product List
This is your list of saved products. These products will be available for selection in any tool that supports input of STCCs.
Information available
The following information is available:
> For all products: |
7-digit Standard Transportation Commodity Code, used by rail and motor carriers in the North American transportation industry to classify products.
Description of the product. For dangerous goods (hazardous materials), this is the Proper Shipping Name (PSN).
> For dangerous goods (hazardous materials) only: |
Regulatory Authority
The regulatory authority that governs shipping this dangerous good (hazardous material).
Technical Name
The chemical name or another name currently used in a scientific or technical handbook, journal or text, but does not include a trade name.
UN # is a 4-digit number used by international transport to define hazardous substances.
NA # is a 4-digit number issued by the US D.O.T. used within North America to define hazardous substances.
Identifies a level of risk or hazard associated with the goods.
(Subsidiary Class) Identifies a subsidiary risk or danger (hazard) associated with the goods (materials).
Packing Group
Indicates the level of danger (hazard) associated with the dangerous good (hazardous material).
Emergency Response Assistance Plan (ERAP)
Indicates if ERAP requirements apply, for Canadian dangerous goods. ERAP is a plan that outlines what is to be done if there is an accident involving the goods.
Poison/Inhalation Hazard
Indicates if the product poses a poison and/or inhalation hazard. When applicable, the Hazard Zone is included.
Marine Pollutant
A checkmark indicates that the product is known to be a marine pollutant.
Notes: You can sort the list by clicking on any of the column headings.
Use the 'Find in Page' tool, located in the upper-right hand side of the page, to search for specific text in your product list. If found, the text will be highlighted.
Adding a product to your list
Use the Search by STCC, UN/NA#, or by Keyword input area to find the product you want added to your list. As you type your search criteria, a droplist of up to 50 matching records will be displayed. To refine your search, add characters or words to your search text.
To add a product, click on the desired row in the results droplist and the product will be automatically added to your personal list.
For an effective search:
- Enter at least 5-digits when searching by STCC or at least 3-characters when searching by keyword.
- Select the 'Search hazardous commodities only' check box when searching for a hazardous commodity.
- Enter all 4-digits when search by UN/NA#, or enter 'UN' or 'NA' plus a minimum of 2-digits.
If no results are found, you will see the message "No results found. Please refine your search."
Modifying a product's description
You can modify the description of any non-dangerous (non-hazardous) product by simply clicking (left mouse button) on the existing description. The description will be converted into a text input area where you can overwrite the existing description with a new one. When you are finished, simply click away from the text input area.
To revert back to the original CN product description, press the
Removing a product from your list
To remove a product from your personal list, press the corresponding
button in the 'Remove' column. The product will be removed instantly.
Important note: Removing a product from your personal list will affect all tools where the product is used. For example, in Shipping Instructions the product will also be removed from all patterns and drafts in which it was saved.
Sorting the results
To make finding the product you are looking for easier, you can sort information by clicking on any of the column headings that contain an arrow. The current sort column is identified by a green arrow, with the direction of the arrow indicating if the information is sorted in ascending order (arrow points upward) or descending order (arrow points downward). To change the sort column, simply click on a different column heading. Click on the heading a second time to change the sort from ascending to descending order, and vice-versa.
When you have finished updating your list of products (STCCs), press Done to return to the previous work area.