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Shipping Tools and Processes

Send in your bill of lading in the blink of an eye. Receive updates on your shipments the moment they’re available. Real-time data exchange with CN saves you time and money.

For more information please contact us at 1-800-267-9779.


To view details on our EDI Guidelines, click one of the links below.

EDI Customer Bulletins

EDI Transactions Supported

EDI VAN Cost Rules

Bill of Lading

404, 858

EDI 404 – Customers are responsible for
50% of the fee, CN will pay the remaining

Canada to Canada  8030 404
Canada to Mexico 8030 404
Canada to U.S.A. 8030 404
USA to Canada 8030 404
USA to Mexico 8030 404
USA to USA  8030 404
Carload Grain Shipper 8030 404
Carload Lumber and Pulp Shipper 8030 404
Radioactive Material Version 8030 404
Waste Shipments 8030 404 
Unit Train 8030 404 
Empty Residue Carload Guide 8030  404
Intermodal Canada to Canada 404
Intermodal Canada to Mexico 404 
Intermodal Canada to USA 404
Intermodal USA to Canada 404
Intermodal USA to Mexico 404
Intermodal USA to USA 404
Intermodal Ocean Shipper 8030 404
Carte Porte Guide 8030 404
Corrector format Guide 8030 404
Price Reference Identification 404
Rule 11 guide 8030 404

Documentation not available


Application Advice


Customers are responsible for 50% of the
fee, CN will pay the remaining 50%.

Order Grain Equipment


Shipment Status Information

214, 322, 322CLM

EDI 214, 322, 322 Port Operators, CLM - Customers are
responsible for the entire fees when
tracing transactions via VAN.

Load Tender


CN will pay for all fees assessed by the VAN.

Response to a Load Tender


CN will pay for all fees assessed by the VAN.

Export Booking


Freight Invoice

210, 410

Payment and Remittance


Advance Consist


Customers are responsible for the entire
fees assessed by the VAN.

Shipment Notice Waybill


Customers are responsible for the entire
fees assessed by the VAN.

Functional Acknowledgment


Customers are responsible for 50% of the
fee, CN will pay the remaining 50%.

Set Cancellation