Getting Closer to Our Customers
CN provides our petroleum and chemicals customers with unmatched competitive reach. As the only railway to serve three major petrochemical hubs in North America, we provide our customers the ability to use a single rail carrier from origin to destination. Our holistic approach also means that in addition to the safe transportation of petrochemical products, we work closely with our customers to share our best practices, help them cut costs, and improve efficiencies while connecting producers with their suppliers and markets.

  • CN is the only rail carrier servicing three major petrochemical centers in North America: the Alberta Heartland the U.S. Gulf Coast and Southwestern Ontario.
  • CN provides producers with single line access to refineries in Eastern Canada, the U.S. Midwest and Gulf Coast as well as export terminals in Louisiana.

  • CN handles over 50% of all Canadian chemicals production.
  • Petroleum and chemical shipments move in customer-supplied private cars.

Petroleum and Chemicals - Brochures

Essential Resources
We’ve assembled a toolkit of information you need to know about working with CN. We’re all in this together and we want to equip you with any and all information you need about working safely and efficiently with us.

Shipping With CN
CN’s sales team works hand-in-hand with customers to help them reach new markets and grow their business. With 24/7 customer service and a suite of digital tools for managing your shipments, we’ve built a toolkit that works for our customers.
Get in touch with us to learn more.